Rouhani, Dr. Chowghi
Man Ahya Nafsan (arab.)
The study of teaching - Whoever revives a soul
Bestell-Nr 6EBB-042
ISBN 978-3-87037-258-3
Maße 14 x 21 cm
Umfang 580 Pages
Gewicht 710 g
Preis 24,00
Lieferstatus Artikel wird in wenigen Tagen verfügbar sein<br>Titel will be available in some days  Artikel wird in wenigen Tagen verfügbar sein
Titel will be available in some days
The book deals in an interesting style some of the methods to revive a soul by teaching him/her the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh. Teaching methods as researched extensively in a scientific style supported by verses and excerpts from the Holy Bahá'í Writings and verses from previous revelations books such as the Holy Bible and the Quran. The book also deals with the characteristics a teacher of the Faith should attain relay up on wisdom and eloquence as a way for guidance.